Sunday, June 13, 2010

Back from Design in Wood Awards

    Diane and I attended the awards ceremony for the Design in Wood show last Friday.  That's me after collecting my Honorable Mention certificate and ribbon.  The place was crowded (as you can see) but the way they did the awards was pretty neat.  Behind me was the announcer and his helper who gave out the actual award.  Notice that all of the people are looking the other direction?, that's because as he read off the award there were several monitors mounted near the ceiling that showed the piece that was being awarded.  There were 16 entries in my class, Contemporary Furniture.  They awarded the top four and then gave out several Honorable Mention awards.  Looking at the quality of work there, I'm very happy to have my Dovetail Chair accepted.  If anyone plans to go to the San Diego Fair it runs until July 5th. and is in Del Mar.
     On the way home we meet with my ex brother-in-law for lunch and had a great visit.  Hadn't seen each other in 30 years but got to meet each others wives and catch up on what's happened since we last saw each other.  I don't know, maybe we're now brother-out-laws!

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