Saturday, September 17, 2011

Coming to the Finish Line

     Thursday's class session began with a demonstration on making and using a scratch stock and ended up with assembling the cabinet.  There are two more sessions next week and I'm confident that the projects will be completed by then.  Students will probably have to finish them at home but that shouldn't be a problem for any of them.  Once again, very pleased with the progress we're making and how hard everyone is working on the joinery.  Hand cut dovetails can be daunting -- everything needs to be "just so" but if it isn't there is a trick for that.  It's called a "Dutchman" and I really like it because it refers to my heritage.  We'll be learning about it on Tuesday as well as taking our dovetail skills to the next level and cutting half blind versions for the drawers.  In the meantime, here's a few pictures showing Thursday's work.

Pondering ......
and Thinking ....
.... but now it's Glued Up!
     After the glue is dried and it  has set overnight, or until Tuesday in our case, it's time to trim the ends of the dovetails flush with the rest of the case.  Traditionally they are left slightly proud, this is done with a sharp plane and chisel if needed.
Trimming the Tails

     See everybody on Tuesday, think about what you want to do for a drawer handle.  I'll discuss some ways you could make your own from a scrap of cool looking wood you may have laying around.

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